A SIX MONTH Marriage Turnaround & Accelerator to Help You

Become the MAN that God Calls You to Be for Your WIFE and KIDS

and Send Your Marriage into Joy, Bliss, Harmony, Intimacy, Safety, Togetherness, and LOVE with SIMPLICITY.

Program Checkout Page - Financing Now Available

You're taking the Masculine Lead!

Join a Program and begin your journey to become the Guardian of Your Wife's Soul.


Which is why we translate timeless Biblical principles to the modern Marriage Landscape, coupled with cutting-edge strategies & tools to massively simplify your path to the Marriage God Intended for you.

Client Results:

2,500+ Men

won their wife back to a Have it All Marriage of Love, Intimacy, Bliss, Safety, Romance, and Happiness.

2,500+ Women

avoided a Divorce they felt like they were being forced to demand.

2,500+ Families

are safe, healthy, and flourishing because their leader became a WARRIOR King Husband.

Dave & Tracy F.

John & Janie D.

Nick & Kelly D.

Our SIX MONTH Coaching Program is for high-achieving MEN who are ready to:

  • Stop failing in your MARRIAGE and start WINNING in your MARRIAGE – finally operating as the spiritual leader, and setting the EXAMPLE for How to Behave in your MARRIAGE.

  • Be Liked, Loved, Respected, Appreciated, and DESIRED as the MAN who your wife finds herself WANTING what you NEED from the MARRIAGE.

  • PROTECT your WIFE and KIDS from the HORROR of DIVORCE and/or a miserably martyred marriage -- allowing them to THRIVE and be Emotionally Healthy and to Find and Follow Jesus.

  • Put an end to the bickering, fighting, two-steps forward, one-step back misery of a broken marriage that just gets worse over time.

If that sounds like you...

There’s a spot waiting for you inside our SIX MONTHS-long marriage incubator.

Are you ready to create PREDICTABLE results in your marriage, ACCELERATE your intimacy and safety, and build your LEGACY ?

Eric L.

Came home after being encouraged by his wife to take some time for himself to find his home half-empty and his wite & children gone. 14 weeks later, they all moved back in, happier than ever, and now Eric coaches men in the WARRIOR King Husbands.

Ed G.

Got caught between his wife and his business and found himself facing divorce. He joined the WARRIOR Kings Husband Program and followed the work closely, and within 8 weeks was planning a marriage vows renewal trip to Hawaii with his Wife.

Nick D.

Worked hard to build a life according to the map he had been given. Be a Dentist they said, and life would be easy. But faced with a marriage that wasn't working, he turned to the WARRIOR King Husbands and turned it around in less than 8 weeks.

Let's be real about Biblical marriage in 2024.

Marriage advice has never been easier to obtain. The Internet is full of what to day and do.

And countless men come to us and say they've watched every free YouTube video, attended every free masterclass, and while they see some improvement in their marriage, they just can't get off the "I love you / I don't love you" hampster wheel.

You’ve invested in courses and “marriage repair gurus” that share a whole lot of fluff with no real plan of action to get you results.

And because of that, making real and lasting progress in your marriage has felt impossible.

Up until now, you’ve managed to hold your marriage on the brink – but you know it’s not sustainable.

You’re completely maxed out and can’t possibly take on one more attack against your marriage without things breaking.

Your efforts are getting little to no traction, despite the effort it takes you to show up in your marriage.

You’re constantly putting out fires and can’t seem to find that “one thing” to say or do to help take your marriage to happiness.

And you wonder if this whole thing is even worth it anymore.

It’s time to fall back in love with running your marriage.

God gave you serious potential for results to bring to the table, but you know that’s not enough to complete His mission for your marriage.

What you really need is:

  • A system for predictable results, that aren’t reliant on a random chance, your wife's mood, or a thriving relationship

  • A dream team behind you, so you can get trial and error behind you and focus on high level strategy

  • A way to package the Husband you Present to your Wife into an irresistible man for her , so you can finally uncap the limitations on your marriage.

  • A marriage plan to bring new passion into your relationship daily, so you always know where your next intimate moment is coming from

If you are ready to invest in REAL marriage strategies from a team of individuals who have started exactly where you stand today, and build safe, reliably, and predictably happy marriages using this system...This program was designed for you.

We take the complexity out of building a reliably happy marriage with simple systems for rapid growth in the marriage relationship.

We Specialize In...

What you really need is a SYSTEM for:

  • Opening up a wife who is completely shut down, unforgiving, and unwilling to work on the marriage; and turning that around to a wife who is willing to look at her own faults in the marriage, plug in, and work on the marriage with renewed commitment.

  • Undoing separation and divorce papers, and getting her to refocus on reconciliation and growth in the marriage.

  • Learning how to heal and forgive, and be healed and forgiven, so that the sins of the past no longer haunt either one of you.

  • Bringing life back to dead bedrooms with renewed passion and inimacy.


  • Implementation-driven coaching (think co-working, auditing, office hours, and action steps)

  • Hands-on support (unlimited 1:1 coaching for 12 weeks with your your coach) – we don’t hand you a membership site login and send you on your way

  • Weekly Brotherhood Marriage Clinics

    (Group coaching for SIX MONTHS with your your brotherhood) – so you can benefit from their learnings and accountability.

  • Qualified Marriage Strategists

    from a diverse range of backgrounds, all of whom have faced and overcome what you're facing to lead you toward your next marriage breakthrough

  • Networking + collaboration opportunities

    to grow your circle of Christian Husbands and Fathers and Businessmen who help you crowdsource strategies for every attack against your marriage.

  • Over 100 Hours of Video Training

    that breaks everything we teach down into a simple, step-by-step daily practice that any man can follow and integrate into his marriage.

  • Results guaranteed

    If you do the work, and you don't get the results, you get a refund. No questions asked.

Abe D.

Unknowingly on the brink of divorce, Abe started this program to turn around what he thought was just his wife's unhappiness. Once he got her talking he found how she was ready to talk to a lawyer, but put an immediate stop to that within 8 weeks.

David H.

David's wife came back to her marriage home from her boyfriend's place announcing she needed a divorce so she could marry her boyfriend. 8 weeks later, the boyfriend was gone, and she was happily back under David's room.

Mike L.

Mike found a book about How to Leave Your husband and knew things had become real. He joined this program and within 8 weeks had turned the marriage around and rekindled happiness like the beginning of their marriage.

We meet you where you are

with strategic guidance to break through your wife's unhappiness ceiling keeping you stuck - and take your marriage to the next level, so you can finally start experiencing the love and intimacy you crave.

Picture this

You Finally Have

a predictable system for marital happiness, and you begin building a legacy marriage that blesses your wife, children, and generations to ocme.

Your Actions Position

you as the Biblical authority in your home, and your wife and children not only respect that, but feel more loved by who you've become.

Your Wife is

happy, and feels safe to Biblically submit yo you, and you only use that submission to lead her closer to Jesus and her own Sanctification.

With our 6-month WARRIOR King Husbands Program, it’s all within reach – and, it’s closer than you think.

Christian Husband:

it’s time to say goodbye to cold shoulders, dead bedrooms, bickering, fighting, arguing, and threats -- and run your marriage God's way without the overwhelm.

Will you have to take consistent action? Yes.

Will you have to dedicate time to implementing and executing what we teach? Of course.

Will you have to be willing to and ready to fail, to pivot, and to get back up and keep showing up in spite of the challenges? No doubt!

But, if you’re a “put me in, coach” kind of MAN – then we’re for you.

Who's This For?

Our Programs are PERFECT for you if:

  • You know you're off track with God's mission of leading His daughter to Sanctification, and you're fed up with the consequences of that to your marriage, and your happiness -- in every room of the house.

  • You feel disappointed because in your heart you know you're a good man, and your wife can't see that any more, at least not enough to say married to you -- or to want what you need.

  • You have been on a cycle of making progress in your marriage, and things get better for a while, only to fall apart again -- worse than before -- and you know this all eventually ends in either divorce or a miserable, martyred marriage.

  • You find yourself settling for far less than you want in your marriage, and despite that, are always trying to climb out of the doghouse.

  • You demand the life you have financially and in most other areas of your life, but find yourself unable to even ask for what you want in your marriage.

  • Modern marriage advice feels like a maze, and you're tired of NOT DOING MARRIAGE GOD'S WAY.

"This program will change your life!! It gives you the tools to be successful in getting back your wife and being successful in your marriage! Best thing I've ever done!!! Changed our lives forever!!!"

Dave F - Corrections Supervisor

WARRIOR King Husbands Program




*First 15 Paid-In-Full Receive the

Elite Level, Ephesians 5:25 Warrior King Husbands Toolkit:

110 Guided STACKS taking Ephesians 5:25, 110 Layers Deep

AND An additional 12 Weeks of Coaching Around the Toolkit

Bob Gerace

Pay in Full

Duration: 6 Months

Due Now: $10k

(~17% discount on your investment: save $2000 when you pay in full)

Term: None

Immediate Access to Program

  • Access to the Arsenal: your complete coaching hub for resources, templates, trainings, appointments, community + more

    • Includes over 100 hours of video training

  • Six Months Access to our WARRIOR App for Spiritual Transformation

  • Unlimited 1:1 coaching with your Marriage Coach: mindset, accountability, and customized implementation + direction for your marriage

  • Six Months Access to our Weekly live Marriage Clinic group call: Strategic Advisory with our head coach Nick Denman followed by master coaching + implementation co-working (every Tuesday at 6pm ET)

  • Monthly office hours from sun up to sun down seven days a week, holidays included

  • 2 monthly 1:1 calls with your Marriage Coach: mindset, accountability, and customized implementation + direction for your marriage

  • Access to a community of heart led, Christian, Successful Husbands, Fathers and Businessmen -to collaborate, refer, and build relationships with via the WARRIOR app

WARRIOR King Husbands Program




Bob Gerace

Installments with Bob Gerace

Duration: 6 Months

Due Now: $2k

Term: $2k x 6 Months

Immediate Access to Program

  • Access to the Arsenal: your complete coaching hub for resources, templates, trainings, appointments, community + more

    • Includes over 100 hours of video training

  • Includes over 100 hours of video training

  • Six Months Access to our WARRIOR App for Spiritual Transformation

  • Unlimited 1:1 coaching with your Marriage Coach: mindset, accountability, and customized implementation + direction for your marriage

  • Six Months Access to our Weekly live Marriage Clinic group call: Strategic Advisory with our head coach Nick Denman followed by master coaching + implementation co-working (every Tuesday at 6pm ET)

  • Monthly office hours from sun up to sun down seven days a week, holidays included

  • 2 monthly 1:1 calls with your Marriage Coach: mindset, accountability, and customized implementation + direction for your marriage

  • Access to a community of heart led, Christian, Successful Husbands, Fathers and Businessmen -to collaborate, refer, and build relationships with via the WARRIOR app


Includes the WARRIOR King Husbands Program Plus an Additional Weekly Call and 1:1's with Bob




Bob Gerace

Pay in Full for the Entire Program.

Duration: One YEAR!

Due Now: $25K

Term: None

Immediate Access to 1:1's with Bob


Includes the WARRIOR King Husbands Program Plus an Additional Weekly Call and 1:1's with Bob




Bob Gerace

Installments with Bob Gerace

Duration: One YEAR!

Due Now: $3K

Term: $3k / Month x 10 Months

Immediate Access to 1:1's with Bob


You will receive the 2022 Group Calls Bonus | Enroll by Friday, May 17th (payment plan or pay-in-full):

  • The ROOT of Rage, and how to cure it!

  • The Secret to Success in Life and Marriage

  • Be the Husband Who Wins!

  • Are you a WARRIOR Husband?

  • Chose to Win or Choose to Lose. You will get what you CLAIM!

  • Live by a CODE

  • How to Succeed & So Much Proof this Works

  • Set Your Identity in Christ

  • Understand Your Wife's Problem Better Than She Does and EARN HER TRUST

  • Master Your Emotional Frame

  • The True Test of a WARRIOR King Husband

  • Sanctified Together

  • Hard vs Soft - A deep dive into the INNER man

  • Win Her Back Like a Man

  • Break the Habit of False Narrative Stories

  • Masturbation & Pornography

  • The KING Frames

  • Stop Lying

  • The Path from Frog to King

  • Hunters (Men) and Gatherers (Women)

  • Become the Who!

  • LEAD with Certainty

  • Do Unto HER

  • Deep Dive into Enneagram

  • Ground Rules for Success in Our Brotherhood

  • Deep Dive into Female Feelings - a Letter from a Brother's Wife Explains Exactly How Your Wife Feels

  • Expanding Like a King

  • 3 Hours of the Most Frequently Asked Questions and Answers in this Program

  • The 8 Beliefs Your Wife Must Have

  • The MOST important work

  • Deep Inner Work

  • How to Work the Process for Success

  • The Root of the Problem - We all feel we are not enough

  • Finding the Prescription to Heal your Marriage

  • Outstanding Example of the PIT

  • Q&A and a Million Dollar Moment

  • What would Bob do if his wife said she wanted a divorce?

  • Holiness vs Happiness - How to Have Both

  • Hard Truth of What it Takes to be an Elite Level, Ephesians 5, WARRIOR King Husband

  • Bob on Certainty, and WHY you must LEAD in that space

  • Brain Chemicals for Success

  • Tiny Details Matter

  • Amazing Call to Wrap up the Year!

  • And more...

First Group Bonus

All of the above (if applicable), plus:

Group Marriage Audit with Bob Gerace, when you enroll by Friday, May 17th (payment plan or pay-in-full): an opportunity to review and get feedback on your current marriage situation, strategy for moving forward, and what you most want to optimize.

Pay In Full Bonus

All of the above (if applicable), plus:

Virtual group VIP day with Bob Gerace (1:30 pm ET to 5 pm ET)

And, if you're in the first 15 who pay in full...

*First 15 Paid-In-Full Receive the:

Elite Level, Ephesians 5:25 Warrior King Husbands Toolkit: 110 Guided STACKS taking Ephesians 5:25 110 Layers Deep -- AND An additional 12 Weeks of Coaching Around the Toolkit

Why Us?

Our mission: to LIVE the Great Commandment and Great Commission by Obedience to Ephesians 5:25

The WARRIOR King Husbands Program was developed by Bob Gerace, award-winning 8-figure CEO of multiple businesses over the years, and a man of God who learned that business success is meaningless if not in obedience to Ephesians 5:25 leading to a happy marriage.

We are a team of men who have failed in our marriage, and learned to succeed, and on a mission to help other Christian men around the globe create love, intimacy, safety, romance, appreciation, respect, freedom and financial security as they build marriages that glorify God.

Meet your mentor,


As a former Fortune 500 executive, I left corporate America and built a $50M Software as a Service before walking away from that business to pursue marital happiness: both for me, and to lead a movement of men to do the same -- because I believe God gave me a Mission to have a Marriage that Ministers to the Masses.

I know that one of the biggest challenges Christian, married men face is information overload, combined with a lack of focus on activities that actually move the needle and generate significant progress in marriage (love, safety, intimacy, and a system for continued upward growth).

I designed WARRIOR King Husbands to combine high-level coaching and training with support on implementation of DOING MARRIAGE GOD'S WAY, designed to keep you laser-focused on the most impactful activities that will generate a massive return on your time and money, so you can create consistency, predictability, and intimacy in your marriage – without adding more hours to your calendar. Because building a marriage as a foundation for your Christian walk and your life and priorities is the ultimate end goal.


Q: My circumstances are different. Will this work for me?

A: While you are unique, you are not different. With 2,500+ men we've seen it all, and we know and believe that God can overcome anything you face.

Q: How much live support do I get?

A: Our Strategic Advisory MARRIAGE CLINIC sessions with Bob and/or Nick and Tuesday General's Tent calls happen live each week (you can watch the recording, if you can’t make it). You will also meet 1:1 with your marriage coach advisor twice per month, for targeted feedback and support on your specific marriage goals. You can reference our training modules in the membership site at any time as you need. And you receive ALL DAY, EVERY DAY, 1:1 HELPDESK SUPPORT FOR 12 WEEKS INCLUDING WEEKENDS AND HOLIDAYS.

Q: How can I finance this on PayPal?

A: On the checkout page, instead of entering a credit card number, click the PayPal button.

The system will ask you to log into your PayPal account if you are not already logged in, and you will see a screen as shown below.

You can either click the 'See Offers' link or scroll down, and you 'll be taken to a section of the page that either allows you to break the payment up in to several payments, or to pay monthly. The image below shows these options:

If you want to pay monthly, the system shows examples of what you might pay in terms of payments and interest charges, but please know that your payment and interest will vary based on your credit history. The image below shows what PayPal shows as an example:

And that's all there is to it.

Q: What other financing options do you offer?

A: American Express Blue Cash has a great deal for a limited time.

We also offer a special financing offer that will wire transfer funds into your account within 2-3 business days. See both offers below.

Instant American Express Blue Cash

0% intro APR on purchases and balance transfers for 15 months from the date of account opening, then a variable APR, 19.24% to 29.99%.

Enable Coach Financing

Check your personalized loan offers with multiple lending partners in under 2 minutes - without impacting your credit score.

This option is a slower option. You'll get pre-approved by several lenders, then set up a meeting to select the lender and terms that are the best fit for you.

After that, you'll be asked to up load documents (paystubs or w2 for employees, or tax returns if self employed.) Approximately 3-5 days later, funds will be deposited into your checking account.

Q: Should I tell my wife about this?


Scenario #1: She WANTS the marriage to work, and is just not happy:

YES! However, we recommend that you DO NOT ASK HER if you can do this. BE the MAN and LEAD. TELL her you must do this. Pray about it, and when you get peace that God wants you to do it, tell her that. Tell her it won't come out of her money (you will work extra and/or use one of the financing options above if necessary). Tell her that she deserves to be treated better than you know how treat her, and a better husband than you know how to be, and you're going to school to learn how to be and do those things.

If she wants to watch the training she is welcome to, however we don't allow women on the group coaching calls. This is the best option because everything is in the light. Know this, however, when she sees what you're learning she will expect you to step up, and that is a good thing. Commit to yourself that you are not kicking tires here, you're actually transforming, and this will turn your marriage around most quickly.

Scenario #2: She is completely done. Checked out. Shut down. Not talking. Making plans to separate if hasn't already. Talking about lawyers. Has a boyfriend, etc. (NOTE: OVER 50% OF OUR CLIENTS START HERE AND SUCCEED! IT'S NOT TOO LATE!)

NO! She will not support you investing in yourself BECAUSE SHE HAS REACHED A POINT WHERE SHE NO LONGER BELIEVES YOU CAN CHANGE. FOR THAT REASON, ANY INVESTMENT IS A WASTE OF MONEY IN HER MIND. At this point, YOU must SHOW her change, and you need transformational coaching to be able to do that. So make sure you have separate funds, or use one of the financing options above so as to not spend joint money or obligate her on debt and learn how to make her believe you CAN change by actually CHANGING.

DO NOT tell her you're doing a program. It will look like just another attempt to manipulate her with false promises. BE the change she needs to see and use what you learn in the program for how to showcase that to her.

Q: I have questions about the program, who can I contact?

A: You can click here to schedule a no-obligation, 15-minute consultation with our team.

Thousands of men have gone

through this process already...

Watch The Success Stories Of Some Of The Men Who Have Implemented This Formula

Thousands of men have gone through this process already...

Watch The Success Stories Of Some Of The Men Who Have Implemented This Formula

"This program helped me get my head, heart, thoughts, and my faith in line with the man God intended me to be..."

WATCH Nick and kelly's story!

Learn how Nick won Kelly's heart and head back to the marriage, even after YEARS of Kelly's unhappiness and demands for a divorce -- and see how in eight short weeks how he was able to win her back and become the couple who fell in love 28 years ago all over again. Watch the same training Nick watched to get started!

WATCH Nick and kelly's story!

"This program helped me get my head, heart, thoughts, and my faith in line with the man God intended me to be..."

Learn how Nick won Kelly's heart and head back to the marriage, even after YEARS of Kelly's unhappiness and demands for a divorce -- and see how in eight short weeks how he was able to win her back and become the couple who fell in love 28 years ago all over again. Watch the same training Nick watched to get started!

Client Success Story: David Hunley

WATCH David hunley's story!

Learn how Abe was on the brink of divorce, and didn't even know it until he started this program, got his wife talking, and found out where her heart and mind were. Eight weeks in, Abe had turned it all around and his marriage remains strong, now, 5 years later.

Client Success Story: David Hunley

Learn how Abe was on the brink of divorce, and didn't even know it until he started this program, got his wife talking, and found out where her heart and mind were.Eight weeks in, Abe had turned it all around and his marriage remains strong, now, 5 years later.

WATCH David hunley's story!

WATCH Dave and Tracy's story!

"It was all falling part for a long time - and I was letting it happen..."

Learn how Dave won Tracy's heart and head back to the marriage, even after she had already moved out -- and see how that changed his life, her life, and the life of his children forever!

Client Success Story: Abe D.

WATCH Abe's story!

Learn how Abe was on the brink of divorce, and didn't even know it until he started this program, got his wife talking, and found out where her heart and mind were.Eight weeks in, Abe had turned it all around and his marriage remains strong, now, 5 years later.

Client Success Story: Abe D.

Learn how Abe was on the brink of divorce, and didn't even know it until he started this program, got his wife talking, and found out where her heart and mind were.Eight weeks in, Abe had turned it all around and his marriage remains strong, now, 5 years later.

WATCH Abe's story!

Client Success Story: Mike L.

WATCH Mike's Story!

Learn how Mike undid years of marital damage from prioritizing his business over his marriage, and turned everything around in less than eight weeks. Watch the same training Mike watched to get started!

WATCH Mike's Story!

Client Success Story: Mike L.

Learn how Mike undid years of marital damage from prioritizing his business over his marriage, and turned everything around in less than eight weeks. Watch the same training Mike watched to get started!

"I had to revaluate the inner man - in order to present an improved outer man - one that would put our marriage on a new path..."

WATCH John and Janie's story!

Determined to fix his relationship with his wife, John decided to go through a journey that CHANGED his life and took his marriage on a new path. For more than 20 years Janie felt unhappy, John overcame Janie only feeling safe when he was literally 1,000 miles away, and won her back happier than ever.


Get Off The Sidelines And Take Action!

"I had to revaluate the inner man - in order to present an improved outer man - one that would put our marriage on a new path..."

Determined to fix his relationship with his wife, John decided to go through a journey that CHANGED his life and took his marriage on a new path. For more than 20 years Janie felt unhappy, John overcame Janie only feeling safe when he was literally 1,000 miles away, and won her back happier than ever.

WATCH John and Janie's story!



Get Off The Sidelines And Take Action!

"18 Years Ago I Stood Where You Are Standing Right Now..."

"18 Years Ago I Stood Where

You Are Standing Right Now..."


I’m Bob Gerace

Today, I’m a marriage & intimacy expert, certified master life coach, and Founder/CEO of the Real Man Revolution.

But years ago, I stood where you stood.

When my wife told me she was fed up and ready to walk out the door, it scared me straight. Up to that point, I thought I had done everything I was supposed to do:

I provided for her, I built a successful business to support our lives, we had beautiful children whom we adored, and yet….

She was incredibly unhappy. And she blamed it all on me.

It took a very real conversation with my pastor and months of deep scriptural study before I had an epiphany: The way we as society teach men to view their marriage (and their lives) is totally and completely wrong. The “roadmap” I had been so sure would lead me to success in my life, instead, led me right to a place I never wanted to end up.

From there, I began uncovering a different approach. And, when I began to make those shifts in my approach to my wife and my marriage, everything seemed to click right into place.


I’m Bob Gerace

Today, I’m a marriage & intimacy expert, certified master life coach, and Founder/CEO of the Real Man Revolution.

But years ago, I stood where you stood.

When my wife told me she was fed up and ready to walk out the door, it scared me straight. Up to that point, I thought I had done everything I was supposed to do:

I provided for her, I built a successful business to support our lives, we had beautiful children whom we adored, and yet….

She was incredibly unhappy. And she blamed it all on me.

It took a very real conversation with my pastor and months of deep scriptural study before I had an epiphany: The way we as society teach men to view their marriage (and their lives) is totally and completely wrong. The “roadmap” I had been so sure would lead me to success in my life, instead, led me right to a place I never wanted to end up.

From there, I began uncovering a different approach. And, when I began to make those shifts in my approach to my wife and my marriage, everything seemed to click right into place.

And Now I Want To Show

You How You Can Do It Too...

And Now I Want To Show You How

You Can Do It Too...

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Copyrights 2024 | Real Man Revolution™ | Terms & Conditions | Privacy